Tuesday, 27 October 2009

SWPP Lose court case

I was pleased to hear that the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP) or 'societies' as they are now known recently lost a court case regarding their membership policy. I myself fell foul (along with many others) of their policy when people wished to leave . At last someone decided to take a stand against them, and their court action against him failed. It now seems that they have revised the policy.

I do not like this organisation at all. I do not feel it is a good organisation for photographers to join. It requires no proof of ability to join, just the ability to write a cheque or give a credit card number. This is unlike organisations like the British Institute of Professional Photography that won't let you join as a full member until you have proven your credentials.

I am disappointed that this doesn't seem to have been given much, if any, space in the photographic press. Perhaps the press doesn't want to upset an advertiser.

You can read the story here and a shortened copy of the judgement here: http://www.ecademy.com/module.php?mod=club&t=1021326

and a bit more info here: http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/stuff/?p=179

My own website: http://www.kenhawkinsimaging.co.uk/